Where to begin? Yesterday morning was not my morning, and at the rate we were going, the afternoon didn't look good either. Things were humming along fine until I went to Sophia's school to pick up her uniform and shoes.
Let me set the stage on the uniform saga. I went on June 8, as requested to get the shoes we had to order in April and her uniform. When I got there, there were no small sizes available. I told them I needed a 3 or 4 and they kept offering 5 or 6 madam? This is a
behavior that really irritates me. If they don't have what you are asking for, they keep offering the next size up or something else they have that isn't even related. Frustrated I saw Sophia's teacher from last year who was handling uniform orders. I ordered 2 size 4 uniforms and asked who her teacher would be. I got giggles, head wobbling and, I can't say. As if it's some big secret. I told her I want to know who it is and who her classmates are so I can talk to her about what's going to happen. I get she'll find out on the 15
th. I told her I hope it's the 14
th because that's when school starts! She suggested I talk with the administrator.
I go to the office and state It's unbelievable to have 4 sections of playschool and 4 - 5 sections of nursery students and not have enough small size uniforms ordered to meet needs. When I ask who her teacher is - he asks 'Have you paid your fees and can I see your receipt?" As if I carry that around with me in case of emergencies. I told him I came in on May 10
th as you had informed all parents this was the
compulsory day to pay fees and I
in fact sat in front of him and paid him directly. (Anger is now bubbling) When I asked who her teacher is, he went to get the principal. I then lay into her as to why I'm not happy and she says she cannot say who the teacher is as they have not yet finished putting students into class groups as enrollment is an on-going thing. Get this - School starts in 6 days and they don't have class lists or enough required uniforms. I get really indignant and tell them this is exactly why more ex-patriots do not attend this school and will pay USD 18,000 to send their pre schooler to the American school. She told me to call on Saturday and she would tell me her teacher then, would that make me happy? I said no, it wouldn't and I needed to leave before I really got angry. Oh yeah, and the shoes would be there the first Saturday after school started.
Anyway - Eventually I got the timings (which we were told several different things) and her teacher sorted out. I go to get the shoes on the "compulsary" day. I take "Sir" (Richard) with me because I already know this is going to be bad. It's also the last Sat. we are in town before we went on home leave. We get there and you guessed it "NO SHOES" they will be in next Sat along with the uniforms we were promised for that day. Mayham ensues. The assistant principal comes in and Sir talks to her. After much discussion, mostly us being angry at the lack of communication and wasted time, she promises us she will set aside both pairs of shoes (size 6 & 7) and 2 size four uniforms. They will be here when we get back from home leave.
Now - keep in mind we are only able to purchase the uniforms on Saturdays between 9 and 12. And Sophia was sick the first Sat. we were back and I wasn't up to par the 2nd one. So now we are to yesterday and I go to get her shoes and uniform.
I go down to the uniform piles and ask the people there - I was to have 2 size 4 uniforms set aside for Sophia Thompson. They look at me and say - no small sizes. I start looking in the boxes for a size 4. They say - here 6. I said "no 4 and hold up four fingers" They say - Here 8. I say "NO FOUR "- and hold up 4 fingers again. Then I get, "here - 5". No I'm getting ticked off. I just say I'm going to the office and will discuss it there. And Add - "Now why would I take a 5 when I specifically asked for a size 4?" I go to the office and tell the girl there how there were to be 2 size 4 girls uniforms set aside for Sophia. She looks at me and says, "Why are you just coming now?" I stopped and didn't say anything. They said "madam?" I replied, "you need to give me a minute to count to 10 and calm myself down before I explode." I explain the whole home leave situation and illness thing to her along with the promise from the asst. principal. I then tell them - you have sold my uniforms. She takes me down to where the uniforms are.
As we are slowly, and I mean Slowly walking down to where they are, she is speaking in Tamil with some of the maids who are giggling and head bobbling (sizes hehehe). I stop and say, "Don't talk about me in Tamil in front of me." She stops, "madam?" I said I know enough to know when I'm being talked about and I don't appreciate it. We get down there and we again go through - here's a 5. This infuriates me. She said we have no small sizes as they have not yet come from Mumbai. Take the 5 or 6. I then blow up and call her dishonest and a bald faced liar. I know a shipment has come in because children my daughter's size are in them and they are not from last year's stock as one of the children I know of wasn't here when they were sold. You have sold my uniforms.
On to the shoe stand - they first have us appearing as if we have already gotten the shoe. Mistake 1. Then they get the 7's and wander around like the three stooges for the next 5 minutes. No size 6. Even though we ordered them in April and were told in April they would get them. They finally say - they don't make this shoe in a toddler size 6. (Information that would 've been good to have in, oh, I don't know, APRIL!) I grab the shoes and storm to the administrator's office. I don't wait for the girl as she creeps around at a snail's pace (because she know's I've caught her in a lie).
With the administrator I go back over the situation and the promises that were made. I then asked did you or did you not already receive 1 shipment of uniforms in small sizes already. He said yes we did. I told him his girl lied about this and said they have not yet received any. I also told him I'm sick of being told things and by the Asst. Principal none the less only to find out they are lies. No one communicates and also I don't appreciate being talked about in front of me in another language. I said, I may not speak Tamil, but I know enough to know when people are talking about me. He said not to go to anyone else. He would handle this personally and with in 7-10 days I'd have my uniforms. I'm thinking I'm going to go to the Asst. Principal anyway to discuss the lies I got from her.
I ask him how much for the shoes. He said I needed to go down and pay the shoe guy (Again information that should've been shared oh, at the shoe stand?). He says Rs.250. I said when I ordered them they said Rs.178. After some conferring - they say ok Rs.185 (Which is the price stamped, stamped I say, into the shoe.) I leave quite aggrivated knowing that when I get home Josephine has made our favorite coconut rice and cinnamon beef curry.
You would think this ended my bad morning. Oh no such luck. While Rich and I were on our way into the city, I get a call from my consultant doing my curtains. There seemed to be some issue with the tailoring place and I needed to stop in and give some prepayment before they would deliver all of my curtains and blinds on Monday morning. I get there and they said, yes here are the curtains. I said "I don't want to take them with me. I was told there was an issue." He said yes, madam wants Rs.10,000 in advance payment. Keep in mind I have never received a proforma invoice for the stitching and had never been asked for a partial advance payment. He then says everything is finished but the Master Bedroom blinds. They would start these on Monday. This is they day they were all to be delivered. We decide to give then Rs.5,000 and tell them to deliver all of the curtains together at which time they will receive the balance of funds. Now they are supposed to come hang them Tuesday morning. We'll wait and see.
The saving grace of the day was going to dinner at a friends house. Lovely steaks, salads, coffee, liquor, desserts, converstation and time with the doggie. Need I say more? I was a great way to wind up what otherwise could've been a horrible day!
Stay posted for the continuing saga of ----THE UNIFORMS THAT NEVER WERE!