Monday, July 30, 2007

I Spoke Too Soon...

Ok Last post - everyone healthy? Yeah right. I posted that too soon! I am now going through what both Richard and Sophia went through the past week, but I get to have both of their symptoms. It started Saturday night when I felt a bit nauseous and my back felt like it had been struck by a 2 x 4. Not Good. I took a Doan's PM and Richard was kind enough to take care of Sophia yesterday morning.

I woke up Sunday morning, feeling better. We went about our business and had lunch as scheduled with some potential new Ex-pats to Chennai and then Richard went to get his tattoo re-inked as it had faded pretty badly. I still felt OK. Sophia and I had gone home to let her run around a bit and then we headed back into the city to get Rich. He called us at 6:00 to say they had just finished the touch-up and said to go get something to eat while they started working on his new one. Sophia and I went to Sparky's and got our food. I felt a bit queasy and rumbly, but thought it was probably just hunger. WRONG!

We get food for Rich and head over to Irezumi (tattoo/piercing parlor here). We wait for Rich to get finished and then head home. When we are almost home - cramps kicked in. Not good. We get home. I tuck Sophia in and run to the bathroom. This by the way is where I spent most of the night. Again - Not good.

Thinking Sophia would wake me up about 7am this morning I kind of dozed off. I wake up at 8am. She has to be to school at 8:30 and she's snoozing away. After a mad dash around the house, I get her ready and me stable enough to take her to school. It looks like another fun day ahead! Let's hope this doesn't hang on all week!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

hope you get well soon..and everyone stays that way!!
i enjoy your blog!!