Monday, July 9, 2007

New Blogger - Will most likely require help!

Ok - I've been in Chennai for a year and have been sending mass emails on a semi weekly basis. I've only recently been introduced to blogs by some friends (thanks Danie - I'm addicted!) and I've decided to jump on the bandwagon!

A little about me and my family. Richard, Sophia and I arrived in Chennai June 20, 2006 and began our life here with 6 weeks in a hotel. A piece of advice to those of you who are new to India or are coming - two phrases to watch out for - "Tomorrow Madam" - This generally means they have no idea when it will arrive but will give this answer to placate you. The second phrase is "100% Madam" - this means they have no idea what it is you have just requested. This kiss of death is "100% Tomorrow Madam!" - Kiss your request good-bye, they have no idea what you want or when it will arrive! We've had many a good giggle over this!

All this being said - we have had a wonderful time here in India and I think this may be one of the best ways to let people know what's happening here.

Disclaimer - Everything published here is definately through my eyes and may not be the way other people would see things! My sense of humor has greatly improved living here in India!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't blame me ;) Welcome to's such good therapy!

Danie x