Well - the insanity is over for me for a couple of days. I am the current president of the Overseas Women's Club here and we just had our first "big" event of the year. I tried to keep telling myself - I will be panicked beforehand and
everything will go just fine. It did and now I can breathe. Only for a little while, we have the annual ball coming up in Oct. and this is the biggest fundraiser of the year - Let the meetings begin.
As for the past weekend - Rich left on Friday night for Russia and got there just fine. He has called a couple of times and it seems they are getting to do quite a bit of site seeing as well as work at the plant. It's always nice to visit a city when there are people you know living there. You really get the ins and outs this way. They had gone to one of the palaces that is out on an island. I'll have to apologize, I don't know the name of it, but I do know that it is basically their version of Martha's Vineyard. Tonight they are going to a blues club. Who would've thought that you could find one in St.
Yesterday we went to a birthday party for one of Sophia's friend Freddie. She had a great time playing with all of the other kids (it was in conjunction with the
OWC playgroup) and also collection goodies from the pinata and singing happy birthday. What was really nice is that instead of bringing gifts. His mother asked we all bring some fruit. They then took this to The Cheshire Home which is right across the street. This is a home for developmentally and physically handicapped people (all ages) and fruit is quite a treat! It made us feel good to be doing something for others.

As you can see here - there was a lady doing "tattoos" with body paint. Our usually
rambunctious daughter stood amazingly still while the lady painted not 1, not 2 but 4 designs on Sophia. She first had the one with the hearts down her arm. Then the flowers on the other. She went back and asked for more. The lady for lack of another place to put a picture painted earrings on her! Not only was there paint involved, but

also Glitter. I spoke with the lady doing the work and found out she does this for all sorts of parties and is available if we were interested. Since Sophia had so much fun. I booked her for Sophia's birthday party. The lady told me she will need to bring 16 pots of pink paint just for Sophia! I guess she's got her figured out. After we got home - Sophia wasn't going to let me wash it off before bed, because Daddy didn't get to see it. I had already taken some pictures, but she wouldn't budge until I promised the lady would be at her birthday party and would paint more pictures then. I'm sure she's already planning in her mind how much pink she will get the lady to put on her!
Daddy's comment was - let's be glad she hasn't yet decided to make them permanent!
Have I mentioned lately just how cute Sophia is????
indian tattoos
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