Wow - I've gone awhile without a post, but I have to admit time has gotten away from me this week. It seems I have been on the go all this week and I just looked up and it's Thursday already! Let's start from Richard getting home.
He got back late Sunday night from St. Petersburg. Russia. To the left is a picture of the Church of the Spilled Blood. It's a beautiful piece of architecture. He told me up until recently (within the past years) it had been used as a warehouse to store potatoes and onions. They have since worked to restore it to what it once was. He had some pictures of the interior too, and they are amazing! The tops of this church are what our friends who live there see out of their window every morning. What a view! He also brought back more nesting dolls! Sophia got a Snow White version and a Dora the Explorer one. I got one that is both wood burned and painted. It's a bit more crude than the two he's brought but also beautiful. My biggest surprise was Amber jewellery. I have always loved jewellery, but since we have been here I've started wearing a lot more and more often. I've really bugged for original amber, but it can get a bit pricey here. When we were in Spain, it was higher still. On that note - I figured - forget it, I'm not getting any. He's brought back a beautiful necklace and earrings. I just love these pieces. He still knows how to surprise me! Did I mention how much he loves St. Petersburg? I really think this is one of his favorite work places to go and go early to see the sights! One of these days, I'll get to go too.......I hope!
So Sunday was spent hanging around the house with Daddy! It is sooo great to have him home. We got up made pancakes and lounged around for most of the day. On to Monday (Onam - no school for Sophia)- I got ready for my TKD class, but it was cancelled due to lack of people and no keys for the loo and changing rooms. I then went into the city and met some friends for lunch. After lunch it was off to the Lufthansa office to check about upgrading some legs of our flight to San Diego in April for my sister's wedding. Luckily, this time, the office visit was quite painless and I got the information easily!
Tuesday -(still no school for Sophia - Raska Bandhan) I had a meeting with some ladies from OWC about the up coming ball. I think it will go well and we've got some things delegated to very capable ladies. Then I had a Marathon lunch with Danie and another friend Joanne. This is where I was taunted with a horrible looking picture of a spider! That's right - Me the arachnophobe - seeing this and then having the darn photo blown up and shown to me again so I can see the glowing eyes. Not good! You can read all about this spider on Danie's blog -
www.EarthtoDanie.blogspot.com listed on the right hand column. I'm glad it was in her house and not mine! I then went home to Sophia and we had Mac and Cheese since Daddy had a business dinner.
Wednesday, took Sophia to school and picked up Julie for a coffee with a new ISE. We had all of the CAT ladies there and it was nice for her to see so many different levels of people here. Some new, some here starting their 3rd year. I think she got a good overview. When the poor woman asked what we do all day, I had to respond, "you're lookin' at it!" Half joking, Half not. It got a lot of good giggles and we did have fun. I then met friends for lunch and headed home.
Last night we had some horrible lightening/thunder. Somehow in the midst of it all - Sophia stayed asleep and out step up/step down power converter died along with a US power strip! This translates to no TV/DVD player in the living room. I will have to go out and see what I can find for a power converter here. We have a 1000KW one for the computer, but would like to have something bigger for the TV - the search is on!!! Wish me luck!
1 comment:
I have no idea how it happened but I had stopped getting your blog feeds and didn't realize it! I was 4 posts behind!
Now don't be talking trash about my itsy bitsy spider ;) xo
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